<=ôSpReY=> HELPME File. ©January 10, 1997 FOR mIRC 32bit Welcome to <=ôSpReY=> 1.0 If you don't already know <=ôSpReY=> is a mIRC 32bit script. We produced with this "HELPME" to kinda guide you along when you are using <=ôSpReY=>. ------ MAKERS: ------ The makers of <=ôSpReY=> are Jason 13yrs and Chris 13yrs from Omaha Nebraska. Jason's nickname on mIRC is (Aeson) Chris's nickname on mIRC is (Tiberius) We both go to irc.cris.com for our server *note the are a couple diffrent server names that are the same* on that sever they go to #teencouch 99.9% of the time By the way we found the name "osprey" by scimming through a dictionary and just pointing at a word. Osprey means a large fish eating Hawk with usually white or black plummage.<----PrEtTy CoOl HuH..... --------------------- WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: --------------------- 1.This script is a real good script that has many war capabilities like nick, /msg, /invite, and /notice floods. 2.Sometimes using these floods problems could accur like disconnection and kicked or banned from a channel. 3.It would be a pretty good idea not to flood an op on a channel that you enjoy because likely you will be BOOTED and probably BANNED. 4. There are some floods that were specialy made JUST for dcc chats. these floods show up on the query/msg buffer too, but they say something like "DCC ONLY" -------------- HELPFULL HINTS: -------------- 1. When using (MASS) things expecially INVITE instead of doing the whole channel you should maybe to around 10-20 people at a time. 2.In the whole <=ôSpReY=> bundle we have gave you some fun blaster waves these waves are for playing guns with another user "REMEMBER HE OR SHE HAS TO HAVE THE WAV. TOO, IF HE OR SHE DOSN'T YOU BEST START SENDING IT" 3.When using (ascii art) if you get a "Unable to play" all you need to do is go to popups and change the directory to the one where the ascii art is in. 4.Like it is a good idea to scim through the popups and see if the files fit your computer, or a faster way is to keep everything in a c:\osprey file! ------ E-mail: ------ You can E-mail Jason at---> Luckie7@concentric.net You can also E-mail Chris at---> lpainter2concentric.net If you see us on mIRC or if you E-mail us please tell us what you think of <=ôSpReY=> 1.0 If you need any questions answered feel free to E-mail us any time! THAT IS THE END OF OUR HELP (STUFF) FILE BECAUSE WE CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY!!! ------- thanks ------- We would both like to say thanks to YOU for using this script We would like to say thanks to all other scripts out there that gave us a BIG out line on what to do. and to Khaled Mardam-Bey for creating the best Internet Relay Chat EVER!! ---------------------------------------------------- WE HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY USING <=ôSpReY=> 1.0!!!!! :) ----------------------------------------------------